Q: When will my items ship? A: All In stock items usually shipped within 2-5 business days, depending on your order weight it will ship either USPS first class mail (2-5 days) or USPS priority 2-day! If you ordered a personalized product most are 1-2 week turnaround but will ship as soon as they are ready!
Q: How many employees do you have? A: Please be patient with orders, this is a one woman show! <3 I try to complete orders A.S.A.P. I do work Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. I do have a part-time employee that will start at the end of February as we are expanding to add more products.
Q: Where can you ship to? A: We ship to all states in the United States! We are located in Tennessee as you checkout after you enter your shipping address USPS will automatically give you your shipping costs!
Q: Can you do custom shirts? A: YES! To receive a quote on a custom shirt order please email us with the information to fulfill your order and we will work with you to give you the best quality & price!
Q: What is sezzle?
I am using Sezzle - it is an alternative payment solution that lifts sales and basket sizes by enabling your customers to ‘buy now and pay later’ with interest-free installment plans. They have an offer right now to get one month free of transaction fees. To use Sezzle, make sure to copy my code SZXRLBB and paste it in the application (http://go.pardot.com/e/285692/signup/5kh75q/614787561?h=21rFwIFI8NvyENdxIoL76JLlcvbLGHwor4LONX9X6NI).